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27 Aug, 2018

Autumn Prep Check List

Clearing the garden of dead plants, leaves and other debris. If you plan on using compost, make sure that the plants and vegetation you are going to use aren’t weeds. They should go in the brown or green bin. (Depending on your council area)

Rake all the leaves in the garden, you may prefer to use a leaf blower or a Billy Goat Garden Vacuum. Gardening machines can make light work of a tough job, saving you valuable time.

Should you have a pond, or pool in your garden, clean all debris, leaves and dirt out of it. It will begin to break down and can clog up filters, which can be expensive to replace.

Trim back hedges, then shred the cut offs in a garden shredder. This can be used for compost or mixed into the soil to help absorb more moisture.

For the big chunky logs that will take too long to cut, use a log splitter, store these in a dry place and use as firewood for a fire.

Remember the more your prep the garden in Autumn the better it will grow in the Spring. Cutting the grass, is ok to cut it shorter this time of year as the sun is not as strong, therefore it won’t burn.  Use a lawn/grass spiker to help improve aeration and drainage too.

Loosen the soil with a rotavator before planting any new bulbs or seeds after planting, add a generous layer of compost, manure or top soil n top.

Its not just the garden that needs protected, your tools need some TLC this time of year. Give them a lick of paint or protect them with anti-rust solutions. This means come spring time you are set to go with tools that work.