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28 Jun, 2019

Balloo Hire Centres donates

We are very proud to have been one of the many local suppliers to donate plant,tools and equipment to a very deserving  family from Bangor, which will feature on the BBC series DIY SOS:The Big Build.

This is DIY:SOS's first time in Northern Ireland, and since the home featured is just around the corner from our Bangor Depot, we had to help in any way we could.

The family, Mum Mandy, Dad Davey, and kids Kara and Ben, have a range of medical issues and needs. 

Their home has always been completely unfit for purpose and the entire house needed reconfigured to include disabled friendly bedrooms, a wet-room, widened doors throughout, a wheelchair friendly kitchen, a lift to the first floor and access to the garden. 

Items we donated to help with the big build ranged from a brand new 6m telehandler , 40 acro props to help support the first floor as the ground floor was completely remodeled, chemical toilets, power tools, fuel cubes, barriers and powered access.

On Thursday 27th June 2019 all trades were invited to the big reveal. It was very humbling and inspiring to see just how many local trades people and suppliers donated their time, skills and equipment to help get the job done.  It was also great to hear from the family themselves and find out just how life changing this build is to them. One of the shows stars Mark Millar originally from the Bangor area was very proud to see just how much help and support was provided.

The full programme will be aired soon!